Credits and Contributing
Async Alpine wouldn't be possible without the help of lots of people, so here's to them! If you want to help out and become one of those people then please do!
Permalink to “Credits”Async Alpine is primary built and maintained by Alistair Shepherd (@accudio).
A big thank you to those who have contributed code, anyone who has found bugs and filed issues, or tried it out and given us feedback!
Series Eight supports and funds much of my work on Async Alpine, and whose projects provide a great proving ground for previous and experimental versions!
Permalink to “Contributors”These people have kindly contributed code to Async Alpine:
- Yusuf Fauzan @iniznet
- Andy Dennis @scruffymongrel
- @whitter
- Adam Weston @awcodes
- Kenny Salazar @helio3197
- Simone Todaro @SimoTod
- Ralph J. Smit @ralphjsmit
Permalink to “Contributing”If you have any feedback please get in touch! If you've found a bug or have a feature request the best place is in our GitHub Issues. There are also GitHub discussions if it's something less formal or you just have a question, and if it's more personal you can DM @accudio on twitter.